
PI Planning Agenda – Now with Kendis

PI Planning Agenda – Now with Kendis

In the post-Covid-19 world, a marked shift of circumstances has impacted the Program Increment (PI) Planning Agenda harsher than ever. With remote facilitation becoming the new norm, there are now new problems demanding newer solutions.


The entire definition of PI Planning is undergoing a revamp, rendering the earlier scheme of a 2-day face-to-face PI Planning event no longer an applicable standard. As Release Train members – spread across different regions and varied time zones – arrive at the stage of PI Planning, they are looking for solutions that are more in line with their different needs under the layered complexity in the changed situation. This is the time for a paradigm shift about how the PI Planning Agenda could be envisioned and exercised for the most effective results.


The focus is now zeroed in on conducting an online, remote Big Room or PI Planning event for multi-site teams in a way that it meets its goals of alignment and collaboration, without compromising on its agility.


PI Planning Agenda at Kendis
PI Planning Agenda at Kendis


For an organization distributed across multiple time zones, this is how the online representation of a PI Planning Agenda can now look with Kendis. (If interested, you can check out our coverage of the nitty gritty’s of executing a perfect PI Planning Agenda in our PI Planning Guide.)


The first adjustment that some organizations made has been extending the PI Planning Agenda PI Planning event duration. The entire experience is now being designed for screens. Spending eight or nine-hour days on a Zoom call is difficult even for the hardened developers amongst us. Therefore, PI Planning Agenda, as you may have observed, is being extended to three or four days of a flexible schedule, as a norm.


This shift poses its own challenges.


Kendis helps you make the most of this shift by reinventing the way your teams coordinate and interact with your PI Planning Agenda. It responds to the challenge of keeping every ART participant abreast of any change that may take place on the fly, ensuring that the stakeholders are on hand for immediate resolution of questions. Every nugget of information is served schematically and systematically to everyone onboard while redrawing the experience of your PI Planning Agenda as a centralized, single source of truth (SSoT) that is accessible, open for collaboration, and easier for alignment for all the multi-site stakeholders involved.

PI Planning Agenda with Kendis
Editing the PI Planning Agenda with Kendis


With a central database of your PI Planning Agenda, not only can you share it with your non-Kendis user Release Train members, but can also set permission levels for your Team Breakouts.


Interested in knowing how to go about setting the PI Planning Agenda? Our Help Center will answer that.

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Program reports and analytics

Program reports and analytics

Collaborate for the completion of a Release Train with a wholesome overview of all activities on your Program Board summarized into graphical and tabular formats.

Dependencies Management

Dependencies Management

Summarize all your PI dependencies into one meaningful and simple dynamic solution that automates dependency status updates throughout the PI according to the triggers you select.

Risk Register Tracking

Risk Register Tracking

Address and visualise the present and upcoming risks of your Program Increment, sprint or iteration to swiftly identify and smoothly mitigate them.

Feature Tracking

Feature Tracking

Visualise features progress, development, addition and removal, across sprints and teams in a simple and easy manner.

Scope Change Tracking

Scope Change Tracking

Track your PI’s scope and other changes post-planning, saving yourself hours of manual work and eliminating the possibility of human error.

Collaboration, communication and transparency lie at the heart of Kendis. It brilliantly reduces all the painful efforts and makes the entire process of planning your Program Increment a very easy task.
PI Objectives Tracking

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Dependencies are essential in recognizing, identifying and correctly mapping factors that are affecting your progress. In Kendis you can create multiple dependencies across your Program board and track them.
Dependencies Management

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With Kendis you can transparently address and visualize the present and upcoming risks of your Program Increment, sprint or iteration in a way that makes it painless to identify and analyze.
Risk Register Tracking

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Create objectives for each team or for your Program and link those with any item present your board. This allows you to choose precisely what features and stories are contributing to the objective.
Feature Tracking

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An extremely vital and powerful feature that gives an overview of all the recent activities that are being done. Presented in graphical or tabulated formats, you obtain all the necessary information in just a glance.
Scope Change Tracking

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