WSJF feature
What is WSJF? What is Prioritization?
Simply put, prioritization is the process of arranging features in the backlog in order of their importance so they can be implemented by agile teams. The goal of this is to maximize economic benefit, so it looks at the cost of delaying a feature from being delivered to the customer.
An Introduction to WSJF
WSJF Definition
WSJF stands for Weighted Shortest Job First. It is a formula that enumerates the cost of delay compared to the job size to clarify what features should be prioritized to create more end-user value.
Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)
Cost of Delay (COD)
Job Size
Reasons for WSJF
Teams often tend to work on features that will take longer or features that are deemed highly important instead of working on features that will provide immediate value first. This causes organizations to miss out on reaping value from features while working on others. WSJF solves this issue for you.
Cost of Delay
Cost of Delay (COD)
User-Business Value
Time Criticality
Risk Reduction and/or Opportunity Enablement
Here are three components of cost of delay:
User-Business Value
Relative Value to the customer or business
- They prefer this over that
- Revenue Impact?
- Potential penalty or other negative impact
Time Criticality
How user/business value decays over time
- Is there a fixed deadline?
- Will they wait for us or move to another solution?
- What is the current effect on customer satisfaction?
Risk Reduction and/or Opportunity Enablement
What else does this do for our business?
- Reduce the risk of this or future Delivery?
- Is there value in the information we will receive?
- Enable new business opportunities?
WSJF Formula
This is the formula our calculator computes automatically for you – so no need to add the title mathematician to your resume.
Output of WSJF
The outcome of WSJF creates clearer feature prioritization and provides more end user value. It allows you to think analytically instead of simply deciding on importance.
Program Backlog
Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)
Cost of Delay (COD)
Job Size
WSJF Sessions
This process is suggested in the Scaled Agile Framework, and we believe it is a fundamental step that should be implemented in an intentional way. That could be in its own session, which we suggest below, or included in a ceremony that you already hold regularly.
Facilitated By
Product Manager or management
Weekly or more: 30-60 min
Product Owners, stakeholders, SMEs and Architects or team members when needed
(Keep Group Consistent)
Discussion Points
- Criteria for defining Components in Cost of Delay
- Have defined Parameters of Features
- Have the ability to estimate Job duration
- Conduct, establish and agree on values

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