
PI Planning is done….now what?

PI Planning is done….now what?

As the dust settles after the exhilarating event of PI (Program Increment) planning, teams brace themselves for the journey ahead. PI planning marks the beginning of a new increment, filled with ambitious goals, collaborative efforts, and a shared vision. However, as the saying goes, The toughest challenges often reveal themselves after we’ve conquered the initial obstacles,” The real challenge lies in effectively tracking and monitoring the planned work to ensure successful execution. This is where Kendis steps in to streamline the process, saving valuable resources, time, effort, and ultimately reducing costs.

The Post-PI Planning Challenge

PI planning sessions are intensive, involving cross-functional teams coming together to align on objectives, dependencies, and priorities for the upcoming increment. These sessions result in a meticulously crafted plan outlining the work to be undertaken by various teams. However, the dynamic nature of software development means that plans are subject to change. New insights, shifting priorities, and unforeseen challenges can alter the course of action, rendering static plans obsolete.

The Importance of Tracking and Monitoring

Effective tracking and monitoring are crucial to ensure that the planned work stays on course and aligns with the overarching objectives. It allows teams to:

  1. Stay Aligned: Continuous tracking ensures that teams remain aligned with the overall plan despite changes in scope or disruptions.
  2. Identify Risks: Early detection of deviations from the plan enables teams to identify and mitigate risks promptly.
  3. Optimize Resource Utilization: By monitoring progress and resource allocation, teams can optimize their efforts for maximum efficiency.
  4. Enable Data-Driven Decisions: Real-time insights provided by tracking tools empower stakeholders to make informed decisions based on current progress and forecasts.

Importance of tracking your Program Increment in the Scaled Agile Framework

The Traditional Approach: Excel Sheets

Historically, teams have relied on manual methods such as Excel sheets to track and monitor their progress. While Excel is versatile and widely accessible, it has its limitations:

  • Manual Effort: Updating Excel sheets requires manual effort and is prone to errors, leading to inefficiencies.
  • Limited Visibility: Excel sheets often lack real-time visibility, making it challenging to keep stakeholders informed of the latest developments.
  • Version Control Issues: Managing multiple versions of Excel sheets can lead to confusion and inconsistencies in data.

Introducing Kendis: Automating Tracking and Monitoring

Kendis is a powerful tool designed to address the shortcomings of traditional tracking methods. It offers a range of features that streamline the tracking and monitoring process:

  1. Automatic Updates: Kendis automatically syncs with tools such as Jira, Azure DevOps, ensuring that progress is updated in real-time without manual intervention.
  2. Visualization: Kendis provides visual representations of the plan, including dependency maps, sprint boards, and progress charts, making it easy to grasp the overall status at a glance.
  3. Collaboration: Teams can collaborate within Kendis, Scrum of Scrums, discussing updates, resolving dependencies, and making adjustments in real-time, fostering transparency and alignment.
  4. Customization: Kendis allows teams to customize their views according to their specific needs, providing flexibility and adaptability to diverse workflows.

Check out Kendis
The ONLY scaling agile solution for your Organization
Power up your organization with OKRs, Strategic Themes, Roadmaps, Solution boards and best in-class PI/Big Room Planning and Tracking solution

Benefits of Using Kendis

By leveraging Kendis for tracking and monitoring post-PI planning, teams stand to gain several benefits:

  1. Efficiency: Automation reduces manual effort, enabling teams to focus on value-added tasks rather than administrative overhead.
  2. Accuracy: Real-time updates ensure that data is accurate and up-to-date, enhancing decision-making and risk management.
  3. Transparency: Kendis promotes transparency by providing stakeholders with visibility into progress, fostering trust and collaboration.
  4. Cost Savings: By streamlining processes and improving efficiency, Kendis helps reduce costs associated with project management.

Benefits of using Kendis for PI Planning Scaled Agile Framework


As teams embark on the journey following PI planning, the need for effective tracking and monitoring becomes paramount. While traditional methods like Excel sheets have served their purpose, Kendis offers a more efficient and reliable solution. By automating tracking, providing real-time visibility, and fostering collaboration, Kendis empowers teams to navigate the complexities of software development with confidence, ultimately driving success in their Agile endeavors.

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Program reports and analytics

Program reports and analytics

Collaborate for the completion of a Release Train with a wholesome overview of all activities on your Program Board summarized into graphical and tabular formats.

Dependencies Management

Dependencies Management

Summarize all your PI dependencies into one meaningful and simple dynamic solution that automates dependency status updates throughout the PI according to the triggers you select.

Risk Register Tracking

Risk Register Tracking

Address and visualise the present and upcoming risks of your Program Increment, sprint or iteration to swiftly identify and smoothly mitigate them.

Feature Tracking

Feature Tracking

Visualise features progress, development, addition and removal, across sprints and teams in a simple and easy manner.

Scope Change Tracking

Scope Change Tracking

Track your PI’s scope and other changes post-planning, saving yourself hours of manual work and eliminating the possibility of human error.

Collaboration, communication and transparency lie at the heart of Kendis. It brilliantly reduces all the painful efforts and makes the entire process of planning your Program Increment a very easy task.
PI Objectives Tracking

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Dependencies are essential in recognizing, identifying and correctly mapping factors that are affecting your progress. In Kendis you can create multiple dependencies across your Program board and track them.
Dependencies Management

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With Kendis you can transparently address and visualize the present and upcoming risks of your Program Increment, sprint or iteration in a way that makes it painless to identify and analyze.
Risk Register Tracking

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Create objectives for each team or for your Program and link those with any item present your board. This allows you to choose precisely what features and stories are contributing to the objective.
Feature Tracking

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An extremely vital and powerful feature that gives an overview of all the recent activities that are being done. Presented in graphical or tabulated formats, you obtain all the necessary information in just a glance.
Scope Change Tracking

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