
Why Program Increment (PI) is the Heart of Scaled Agile Framework?

Kendis is a digital solution for PI, Tribe and Big room Planning that works on top of Jira and Azure Boards.


Program Increment sets a specific time period and objectives for the agile teams that are part of an Agile Release Train. In the Program Increment are multiple agile teams that are part of an Agile Release Train. SAFe uses “Cadence” and “Synchronization” to assist in combining the work of multiple teams into one. These increments support teams to create a measurable unit of time and value that allows the enterprise to work on a set target. It provides a structure which connects teams and management with the long-term vision.

“A plan is not putting you in a box and forcing you to stay there. A plan is a guide to keep you on course, efficient, and safe.”-- Amber Hurdle

These increments are like sprints but at a higher level. In a Program Increment(PI) planning session, management and teams sit together to set a common goal and define their dependencies among each other. After setting the PI objectives, each agile team works on their own set target and manage their work in independent Sprints.

Program Increment(PI)

Cadence and Synchronization

Cadence sets a routine for the workers to work on. It encourages thorough planning and the effective use of resources which in turn helps in lowering costs of events such as planning, integration, demonstrations, and retrospectives.
Synchronization, on the other hand, ensures that the development teams and the businesses are on the same page to achieve their goal and also involving the customer in the development process.


Just as iteration is to an agile team, a Program Increment (PI) is to an Agile Release Train. The program increment follows the plan-do-check-adjust method.

  • PI Planning is a fundamental activity which sets the tone for what has to be achieved
  • The “do” represents executing the objectives set in the Program Increment
  • Displaying the System Demo is part of “check”
  • Lastly, “adjust” is inspecting and adapting which happens to be the final step


Program increment lasts for 8-12 weeks. But its duration can be adjusted according to the requirements of the project. The benefit of Program Increment is that it limits the WIP (Work in Process) to keep the teams more focused resulting in a higher quality of work. The teams become more responsive and adaptable to change and there is an emphasis on a team being cross-functional to get tasks done efficiently. Continuous integration and validation from customers allows them to actively participate in the process of development and giving them the freedom to give feedback.

Unleash Your Organization’s True Potential to Scale Agile with Kendis

Kendis offers an all-inclusive solution to planning, tracking and managing your Program Increment and dependencies between distributed teams. It works on top of JIRA and other agile tools, your teams can keep on working with their existing JIRA boards and program level and above is planned and managed at Kendis.
Try out 10 days free trial or book a demo with our product expert.

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Program reports and analytics

Program reports and analytics

Collaborate for the completion of a Release Train with a wholesome overview of all activities on your Program Board summarized into graphical and tabular formats.

Dependencies Management

Dependencies Management

Summarize all your PI dependencies into one meaningful and simple dynamic solution that automates dependency status updates throughout the PI according to the triggers you select.

Risk Register Tracking

Risk Register Tracking

Address and visualise the present and upcoming risks of your Program Increment, sprint or iteration to swiftly identify and smoothly mitigate them.

Feature Tracking

Feature Tracking

Visualise features progress, development, addition and removal, across sprints and teams in a simple and easy manner.

Scope Change Tracking

Scope Change Tracking

Track your PI’s scope and other changes post-planning, saving yourself hours of manual work and eliminating the possibility of human error.

Collaboration, communication and transparency lie at the heart of Kendis. It brilliantly reduces all the painful efforts and makes the entire process of planning your Program Increment a very easy task.
PI Objectives Tracking

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Dependencies are essential in recognizing, identifying and correctly mapping factors that are affecting your progress. In Kendis you can create multiple dependencies across your Program board and track them.
Dependencies Management

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With Kendis you can transparently address and visualize the present and upcoming risks of your Program Increment, sprint or iteration in a way that makes it painless to identify and analyze.
Risk Register Tracking

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Create objectives for each team or for your Program and link those with any item present your board. This allows you to choose precisely what features and stories are contributing to the objective.
Feature Tracking

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An extremely vital and powerful feature that gives an overview of all the recent activities that are being done. Presented in graphical or tabulated formats, you obtain all the necessary information in just a glance.
Scope Change Tracking

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